VDU / DSE Assessment


Visual Display Unit Assessment

Visual Display Unit assessments or VDU training is becoming an  important part of Health & Safety within the workplace. The rise in claims related to ‘repetitive strain injury’ has focused attention on the ergonomics of the VDU workstation for any employee who uses a PC  in their daily duties.

According to The World Green Building Council report on Health, Wellbeing & Productivity in Offices, there is clear evidence that office design impacts productivity output and staff morale. Small changes to individuals can have a cumulative effect on productivity and, in turn, your bottom line.

Wellbeing is a critical element in any office design strategy, and we firmly believe that your fit out should revolve around your staff; making them both happy and productive.

This assessment will ensure that the general use of this equipment is not a risk for you or your employees by giving the employee  an understanding of the implications of bad posture and poor ergonomics at VDU workstations

Display Screen Equipment Assessment

Our consultant will visit your premises to examine the use of all visual display units and display screen equipment (DSE) workstations, give a short training session to all employees and prepare a detailed assessment for your company of each individual workstation.  As with other equipment, overuse or incorrect use will almost certainly lead to difficulties for operators and possible long term injury.


Employers Legal Requirements:
Chapter 5, Part 2 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations, 2007 states that employers must ensure that the general use of workspace equipment is not a source of risk for the employee.
This act also goes on to state that an employer must perform an analysis of the workstation in order to evaluate the safety and health conditions to which it gives rise for the employees, particularly as regards possible risks to eyesight, physical problems and problems of mental stress, and, on the basis of that evaluation, take appropriate measures to remedy any risks found.

Contents of this Consultancy:

  • Short group training session – 30mins
  • Detailed assessment of each workstation
  • Analysis of environmental conditions
  • Analysis of actions taking during assessment
  • Overview and recommendations

Contact us today for a competitive quote for your company



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