
Why choose ACL Safety Training?

At ACL Safety Training all of our instructors are professionals in their field, qualified and accredited to the highest standards and dedicated to providing an exceptional service to our clients.

We provide Health Safety & Wellbeing Training, Safety Certificate Monitoring, First Aid Supplies and Health & Safety Consultancy.

We offer you, the Employer, the chance to invest in your employees mental and physical wellbeing which is a proven way to increase employee productivity. Courses in our well being section can be offered as short add-ons to our safety courses to enhance team building and motivation to enhance your employees training day.

All our courses can be specifically tailored to your group or company’s needs and given at flexible times mid week or at weekends to suit your employees shift patterns.

We also monitor your training certificates to ensure that they dont lapse costing you more in full retraining costs and time.

With offices in Kerry, Cork, Limerick, Galway and Dublin we provide highly skilled training Nationwide.

Contact us now  at 086-8171884 or email aileen@aclsafetytraining.ie

Check out our Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing packages which are 100% fully Tax deductable.

Some of our previous clients include:

KPFA                                Cardiac First Responders



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